Line data Source code
1 : import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
2 :
3 : /// This widget is just a CircularProgressIndicator and some text, in a
4 : /// Material widget so it looks nice, as it is used outside of the MaterialApp.
5 : ///
6 : /// It's a separate widget as the existing ProgressIndicator widget doesn't
7 : /// need to have it's contents in a Material widget.
8 : class InitializingIndicator extends StatelessWidget {
9 : final bool _firebaseDone;
10 4 : const InitializingIndicator(this._firebaseDone, {Key? key}) : super(key: key);
11 :
12 2 : @override
13 : Widget build(BuildContext context) {
14 : var message = '';
15 2 : if (!_firebaseDone) {
16 : message = 'Firing up the machine, taking care to not cross streams...';
17 : }
18 2 : return Material(
19 2 : child: Column(
20 : mainAxisAlignment:,
21 2 : children: <Widget>[
22 : const CircularProgressIndicator(),
23 : const SizedBox(height: 30),
24 2 : Text(message, textDirection: TextDirection.ltr)
25 : ]),
26 : );
27 : }
28 : }