LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - navigation/models - page_data.dart (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 24 30 80.0 %
Date: 2022-03-03 12:16:56 Functions: 0 0 -

          Line data    Source code
       1             : import 'package:fast_immutable_collections/fast_immutable_collections.dart';
       2             : import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
       3             : import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
       4             : 
       5             : import '../../../types.dart';
       6             : import '../../app-init/widgets/initial_page.dart';
       7             : import '../../auth/utils/login_configs.dart';
       8             : import '../../problems/pages/problem_page.dart';
       9             : import '../../profile/widgets/profile_page.dart';
      10             : 
      11             : typedef PageDataFromJson = PageData Function(JsonMap json);
      12             : typedef PageFromPageData = Page Function(PageData pageData);
      13             : 
      14             : /// [RedFireState.pages] is a list of [PageData] and we use [PageDataConverter]
      15             : /// to add a 'type' key to the json during serialisation. The value stored
      16             : /// against the 'type' key is used to deserialise the json into the appropriate
      17             : /// object.
      18             : ///
      19             : /// The value stored against the 'type' is the runtimeType of the member.
      20             : /// This means serialisation will only work when PageData is a member declared
      21             : /// with the @PageDataConverter() annotation.
      22             : abstract class PageData {
      23         130 :   const PageData();
      24             :   String get typeName;
      25             :   JsonMap toJson();
      26             : }
      27             : 
      28             : // final pageTransformMaps = <String, PageDataTransforms>{};
      29           9 : final toMaterialPageMap = <String, PageFromPageData>{};
      30           9 : final _fromJsonMap = <String, PageDataFromJson>{};
      31             : 
      32             : // should only be called once on app load
      33             : // TODO: create the redfire set without needing to call the function so there
      34             : // aren't separate steps that need to be discovered (eg. in tests)
      35             : // eg. when creating _fromJsonMap start with a map literal populated with the redfire
      36             : // fromJson functions (needs testing in place)
      37           3 : void addPageTransforms<T extends RedFireState>(Widget homePage,
      38             :     ISet<LoginConfig> logins, ISet<PageDataTransforms> transforms) {
      39             :   // add the transforms from the child package
      40             :   // pageTransformMaps.addAll(transforms);
      41           3 :   for (var transform in transforms) {
      42           0 :     _fromJsonMap[transform.typeName] = transform.fromJson;
      43           0 :     toMaterialPageMap[transform.typeName] = transform.toMaterialPage;
      44             :   }
      45             : 
      46             :   // add the redfire toMaterialPage transforms
      47           8 :   toMaterialPageMap[InitialPageData.className] = (_) =>
      48           2 :       MaterialPage<InitialPage>(
      49             :           key: const ValueKey(InitialPage),
      50           2 :           child: InitialPage<T>(homePage, logins));
      51           6 :   toMaterialPageMap[ProfilePageData.className] = (_) =>
      52           0 :       MaterialPage<ProfilePage>(
      53           0 :           key: const ValueKey(ProfilePage), child: ProfilePage<T>());
      54           6 :   toMaterialPageMap[ProblemPageData.className] =
      55           3 :       (pageData) => ProblemPage<T>(info: (pageData as ProblemPageData).problem);
      56             : 
      57             :   // add the redfire fromJson transforms
      58           6 :   _fromJsonMap[InitialPageData.className] =
      59           2 :       (JsonMap json) => InitialPageData.fromJson(json);
      60           6 :   _fromJsonMap[ProfilePageData.className] =
      61           2 :       (JsonMap json) => ProfilePageData.fromJson(json);
      62           6 :   _fromJsonMap[ProblemPageData.className] =
      63           2 :       (JsonMap json) => ProblemPageData.fromJson(json);
      64             : }
      65             : 
      66             : class PageDataTransforms {
      67           0 :   const PageDataTransforms(
      68             :       {required this.typeName,
      69             :       required this.toMaterialPage,
      70             :       required this.fromJson});
      71             :   final String typeName;
      72             :   final PageFromPageData toMaterialPage;
      73             :   final PageDataFromJson fromJson;
      74             : }
      75             : 
      76             : class PageDataConverter implements JsonConverter<PageData, JsonMap> {
      77         147 :   const PageDataConverter();
      78             : 
      79           1 :   @override
      80             :   PageData fromJson(JsonMap json) {
      81           3 :     final fromJson = _fromJsonMap[json['type']];
      82             :     if (fromJson == null) {
      83           0 :       throw Exception('No entry for \'type\' ${json['type']}');
      84             :     }
      85           1 :     return fromJson(json);
      86             :   }
      87             : 
      88           2 :   @override
      89             :   JsonMap toJson(PageData data) {
      90           2 :     final json = data.toJson();
      91           4 :     json['type'] = data.typeName;
      92             :     return json;
      93             :   }
      94             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.13